Our College ministry's desire is to engage college students to experience authentic faith in Christ and equip them to advance His Kingdom and exalt His name.
Who We Are
Got Questions? So do we. Let’s find answers together. We want our ministry to be built around authentic relationships. That means you don’t have to have life all figured out or even know what your major is! As you explore and grow in your faith you may have lots of questions, we want to walk with you in a desire to know Christ more and more every day. We welcome believers and skeptics, the doubters and the convinced, the hurting and the happy. Real, life-effecting, weekly Bible teaching lies at the heart of our ministry. We want to show you how God’s word speaks to our everyday lives.
College ministry joins in worship during the 9am service then moves to the student ministry room during the 10:30am service where we join together for food, fellowship and the study of God's Word in LifeGroup.
For more information, please contact Pastor Kevin Goebel at kgoebel@lynwoodbc.org.
Connect Events
How do we build these authentic relationships? Connect events focus on building relationships through in-depth Bible study, relevant service opportunities, and crazy fun. Should you stay at home or in your dorm or should you go out and meet new people while growing in your faith? We think the answer is obvious!
Upcoming Events
In addition to being involved in our College ministry, we encourage all college students to check out The Lighthouse. Every Thursday night at 7:00PM The Lighthouse hosts worship and biblical teaching by Reese Hammond.
For more information
check out semolighthouse.com.
The Lighthouse is located at 1115 Broadway.